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Often the purpose of an epitaph is to leave some words of wisdom, share the deceased's most important life values, or summarize his life. It represents the connection between the living and the dead. Writing an epitaph can be a very difficult job. How do you sum up a person's life in a few short words? If your loved one doesn't ask for a specific tombstone inscription, it's usually advisable to take some time before you write an epitaph. After they leave, you experience an emotional whirlwind. If you don't give yourself time to wake up and think, you may regret your choice.
Next, I will share some tips for writing epitaphs: The fewer epitaphs, the better. Usually you're limited to a few lines on a tombstone, so you want to keep it short and concise.
The voice of the person who wants to speak. You can write an epitaph as if it were said by a deceased, relative or friend. Do you want the epitaph to speak directly to the audience, or just describe the life of the deceased? It's a personal choice and depends on the deceased. If they're someone people want to ask for advice, you might want the epitaph to convey some final words of wisdom. Make sure what you write is timeless. Remember, these words will always be there.
Examples of writing epitaphs: There are many ways to write epitaphs. Some people like to quote the life characters of the deceased, some use biblical verses, some quote classic quotes, and still others choose to laser-engrave the image of a loved one on their tombstone.
Simple or classic epitaphs can be cited: Many people like to choose a simple or classic epitaph to honor their loved one.
For example:
1. To love is to place one's own happiness on the happiness of others. - Leibniz
2. The purpose and reward of labor is rest. - James Beatty
3. He has woken up from the dream of life. - Shelley
4. Mutual love is the crown of our happiness. - Milton
Life roles can also be cited: some people may wish that the engravings on their tombstones reflect the different roles they played in life. If the deceased was particularly proud of something he did, such as being a parent, nurse or school teacher, you might want these to be recognized.
Here lies a beloved wife, mother and daughter.
Here is a burial of a soldier who served his country faithfully.
Scholar, teacher, leader, friend.
Family loves you, friends love you.
You can even quote from the Bible
If the deceased was a devout Christian, you might consider writing a verse from the Bible. We recommend that you read through the Bible and try to choose a verse to tell about the life of your loved one.
Whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life.
John 3:15
They will not die again; because they are like angels.
Luke 20:36
Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I am not afraid of evil.
Psalm 23
The righteous shall enter into eternal life.
Matthew 25:46
There are also laser engraved photos: some people choose to laser engrave pictures or symbols of their loved ones on tombstones. This can be used in place of the epitaph, or it can be added along with the epitaph. Polished black granite tombstones are generally used.
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