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Headstones How To Clean?

Views: 1     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-01-09      Origin: Site

How to clean the rough surface of granite Headstones to avoid stone lesions: because of improving the water absorption rate of the stone surface, it will also cause the phenomenon of water inside and outside the stone is more common, such as: internal stress caused by thermal expansion and contraction in climate change, or the release of extrusion stress or biological acid on the stone led to the reproduction of bryophyte invasion of stone.

headstones how to clean

Granite Headstones for Graves cleaning method: use high-pressure water gun for comprehensive granite cleaning. Rinse and let dry. Look at these contaminated areas and if they are already shallow, they do not need to be treated. If the degree is still deep, use targeted cleaning products, paper towels, do the application treatment. After cleaning and drying, rinse with high-pressure water gun. When the stone surface reaches the clean and dry state, use brush or stone polishing treatment agent and dry for more than 24 hours before it can be put into use. Regardless of how the granite is cleaned in the front, it is important to apply stone finishing agent at the end. It is a special "surface sealing stone protective agent" for wool surface stone, besmear after brushing, can have a part of the shallow surface layer of infiltration stone, another part of the rough surface covered in wool surface stone, dry firm, with strong waterproof, oil-proof, antifouling effect. And this protective agent is extremely durable, the service life of more than 15 years. Brush the role of this protective agent is that the rough surface of the stone does not do this protection, water and pollutants will not only accumulate on the uneven surface.

In fact, it can also penetrate into the stone itself, causing serious pollution and can't be washed off. However, the stone with rough surface has been treated with surface dense layer, and the pollutants will be deposited on the surface, but will not penetrate into the material structure of the stone itself. This ends the damage of foreign material to the stone itself. And the contaminants always separate from the stone and are easily removed, making granite cleaning simple. Solve the pollution problem, can fundamentally improve the decorative effect of wool surface stone, and greatly prolong its service life.

How to clean the rough surface of granite Granite Cemetery Headstones to avoid stone lesions :

1.granite cleaning is the most important. If you want to maintain the stone, first of all to ensure that the stone surface clean and refreshing. Under normal circumstances, use brushes and water guns to clean, if some stubborn stains are difficult to clean, you can use the right amount of stone cleaning agent to clean, the choice of cleaning agent should pay attention to the regular use of neutral non-corrosive cleaning agent, cleaning surface stains should pay attention to clean with water. 

2.reasonable use of stone disease prevention treatment agents. After cleaning, we should cooperate with the use of appropriate stone disease prevention treatment agents, enhance the resistance of the stone itself, reduce the difficulty of stone maintenance work.


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