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You are here: Home » News » Monuments and Tombstones » How Many Important Things do You Need to Know Before Buying a Tombstone?

How Many Important Things do You Need to Know Before Buying a Tombstone?

Views: 1     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-03-13      Origin: Site

1. Who will you buy from?

The first step in buying tombstones is to find a reputable manufacturer. There are small Monument Companies and online stores all over the granite tombstone business. Not all factories can provide the quality and assurance that professional manufacturing factories can provide. You can ask them about the life of tombstone products. Once their work enters the cemetery, will they do it later? Where do their products come from? Do they have a real connection? Or are they just a store and let another company do their work? Finding the right company will convince you that you are being taken care of in the right way and that they will meet your future needs.

Indian Black Z Granite Slant Monument

2. Where is the location?

All cemeteries are different. If you haven't bought a cemetery yet, here are some suggestions. Considering the location of the cemetery, family history or relevant family members buried in the same place, as well as the regulations of the cemetery, what type of marking may or may not be allowed. If you have purchased a piece of land, knowing the lot and lot number will help the setting personnel know exactly where to put it after the monument is completed. Other cemetery regulations are not necessary to know, because it should be the responsibility of the manufacturing company to check and follow these guidelines and inform you, but it can help you come up with a design for your monument.

3. Determine the size of the stone

The size of your stone may be limited by the size of the land you buy. Know how much space you need to use and whether you need to use a single marker on a single parcel, a single marker on a double marker, or a double marker on a double marker. Any style of marking (flush, slope, slope, monument) can be used for these three options, but the width, thickness and whether a foundation is required will be determined by these factors. If your monument needs a foundation, the best practice is to talk to the enterprise you buy the monument to ensure that it will be the appropriate size. Another option is to deal directly with cemeteries or cities to get a foundation pouring.

4. Choose the color of granite

Choosing the color of granite is the last thing to determine before entering the actual layout. It is important to understand that some designs can only be completed in specific colors. Pin etching, laser etching and handicrafts perform best on black or mysterious gem granite. All other line art and sandblasting designs can be made in any color.

5. Conceptual layout

Finally, consider how you want to arrange your design on stone. You can collect ideas from other completed stones in the cemetery, which can be searched online. Panel name, layout and date. Once you have a general understanding of the layout of the monument, it's time to visit the monument manufacturer and discuss the design with the representative.


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