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How Tombstones are Made?

Views: 11     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-08-01      Origin: Site

In general, the food used in tombstones is mainly granite.General good tombstone material is mainly to uniform tone and crystalline particle size to be consistent.It is best to be able to cut on the same material in accordance with the same set of stone products of all kinds of supporting billet, stone materials should be used without cracks and scars and colorless lines and to low water absorption rate and physical and chemical stability.

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Different countries, and even different regions of the same country for the tombstone stone variety, color preferences are not the same, such as the Kanto region of Japan tombstone is mainly gray and black, green granite, Kansai area is fond of light color gray granite;Western tombstone materials than Japanese tombstone rich, in addition to gray, black granite, India red, red red series, yellow, green, gray and blue series of granite can be used as western tombstone materials, some western tombstone also use red, white marble;The color of Chinese tombstones is mainly black, mostly granite.

 A good variety of supporting stone products blank;Tombstone block should have no crack, no scar, colorless line, low water absorption, stable physical and chemical properties, uniform crystallization.Such as the best domestic black tombstone material for Shanxi black, its characteristics is hard stone, high gloss, pure color and other characteristics, the price is more expensive;Second, we will choose fuding black, China black and other stone.


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